About me
Sharon Little, Ed.D is Higher Education Liaison with CCSA, with thirty-eight years of experience in the field of early education and adult learning. Sharon is a former Program Lead and Community College Faculty in Early Childhood Education, a recipient of SCRIPT-NC during her program tenure in the community college. Additionally, she is an Early Childhood Mental Health endorsed Infant Family Specialist, and ITTI Care Project Coach with Duke’s Center for Child and Family Policy. Sharon started her career as a preschool teacher with Head Start and has worked a variety of roles in the early childhood profession. She has served as a center director, childcare social worker, subsidy policy consultant. licensing consultant, and a childcare consultant for early childhood organizations Sharon has worked in collaborative partnerships with childcare providers, public school after school programs, exceptional children's programs, and community action organizations. Sharon has provided training in early childhood and higher education levels on various topics, including developmentally appropriate and trauma informed practices, collaboration, professionalism, equity, and practicum settings for early childhood professionals.