Frequent, universal screenings in pediatric primary care are critical for identifying whether children are meeting key developmental milestones. Early and consistent screenings play a vital role in detecting potential developmental delays, behavioral concerns, and social-emotional challenges—issues that, if left unaddressed, can significantly impact a child’s long-term health and well-being. Beyond flagging potential concerns, these screenings reveal referral needs, ensuring families gain access to essential services and interventions. HealthySteps (HS) is an evidence-based program that strengthens pediatric care by embedding an early childhood specialist and behavioral health promotion/prevention expert into the primary care team, specifically serving families with children from birth to age three. HS Specialists collaborate with the primary care team and caregivers to promote healthy child development. In addition to providing positive parenting guidance, they support early identification and care coordination and systems navigation--ensuring families receive timely, effective connections to critical resources. This session will offer an in-depth overview of the HealthySteps approach, highlighting best practices for linking families to services, and strategies for equipping families to navigate the complexities of accessing care. Participants will be encouraged to engage throughout the session by asking questions and sharing their experiences