Thursday May 15, 2025 10:15am - 11:45am EDT
In my work with tribes one of the things that has stood out has been that every full tribal language immersion school or classroom has almost no behavior issues. We will look at some of the commonalities of why this may be happening when another school or classroom  from the same community may show different results. This includes schools in the Southwest, Northern Woodland areas, Northwest, Alaska and Hawaii, all of them seem to have this in common. We will talk about how language and culture can influence behavior and what is so unique in these settings, such as tribal languages being verb driven instead of noun driven as English is. How sign language impacts behavior. I have looked at the methodologies over the years used in these learning environments and we will have a open discussion on what I have learned, along with the natural process of inclusion being built into the language and culture.
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Micker (Mike) Richardson

Director, National American Indian Alaska Native Head Start Collaboration Office
Micker (Mike) Richardson (Haliwa-Saponi), MBA, serves as the Director of the National American Indian and Alaska Native Head Start Collaboration Office. NAIANHSCO is committed to assisting Head Start grantees in developing collaborative partnerships to improve the quality of life... Read More →
Thursday May 15, 2025 10:15am - 11:45am EDT

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