Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:30am - 12:00pm EDT
As early childhood professionals and parents of children with a disability, Jani and Latisha have spent a lot of time thinking and wondering about relationships between parents and members of the early childhood field.  These are powerful partnerships! How we can learn together using these unique perspectives?  What are the most important components in the family-educator relationship? What makes for a successful partnership? Those questions and more will be explored in a session meant for families, educators and all early childhood "inclusionists." Join us to share stories, discuss the evidence, and basically just try to figure it out together.
avatar for Jani Kozlowski

Jani Kozlowski

Technical Assistance Specialist, UNC-CH
Jani Kozlowski, MA is a passionate early childhood professional, author, speaker, technical assistance specialist and consultant focused on supporting each and every child and family during the most critical period of development. Jani provides professional development and technical... Read More →
avatar for Latisha R. Stuckey

Latisha R. Stuckey

Founder, Destiny's Child Foundation
Placeholder - will finalize when co-presenter confirms - Latisha R. Stuckey is a native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. She is a single parent of two sons. Latisha recently obtained her Master of Human Service Marriage and Family Counseling degree from Liberty University. She has... Read More →
Wednesday May 14, 2025 10:30am - 12:00pm EDT

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